
Nov 15, 2015

The Doctor #madeofgreat

हमारा जीवन एक यात्रा की तरह है. इसमें कई पड़ाव, कई रास्ते और कई मंजिले आती हैं. इस क्रम में हम रोज नयी नयी चीजें करते हैं, नयी नयी बातें सोचते हैं और नए नए लोगों से मिलते हैं. ऐसे तो हमारे जीवन में बहुत से ऐसे लोग मिलते हैं जो कहीं न कहीं हमें प्रभावित करते हैं. कुछ ऐसे भी लोग मिलते हैं जिनके बारे में हमें शायद भी कुछ याद रहता हो. मैं अपने इस पोस्ट में एक ऐसे व्यक्ति के बारे में जिक्र करने जा रही हूँ जो पेशे से एक डॉक्टर हैं. कोई तीन चार बार मैं उनसे मिली होऊँगी लेकिन उनकी कुछ बातें और उनका कुछ व्यवहार शायद ही कभी भूल पाऊं. इसलिए मैं उन्हें madeofgreat मानती हूँ

दिल्ली में स्पाइन से सम्बंधित इलाज के लिए एक खास हॉस्पिटल है इंडियन स्पाइनल इंजरी सेंटर, यह वसंत कुंज में स्थित है, यहाँ एक डॉक्टर हैं डॉक्टर महापात्रा. वे स्पाइनल इंजरी के लिए एक स्पेशलिस्ट हैं. पिछले सालमेरे एक रिश्तेदार को अपने इलाज के सिलसिले में इंडियन स्पाइनल इंजरी सेंटर में भर्ती होना पड़ा. मेरे रिश्तेदार को डॉ महापात्रा के OPD में देखा गया. मैंने जब पहली बार उनको देखा और मरीजों से उनके बातचीत करने का अंदाज देख मैं आश्चर्य चकित थी. कितनी आत्मीयता, कितना अपनेपन से वे मरीजों के बारे पूछते. मैं हैरान थी कि आज डॉक्टर्स प्रोफेशनल होते हैं. फटाफट रोगियों को देखते हैं और आनन् फानन में कई टेस्ट लिख देते हैं. लेकिन उन्होंने रोगी के बारे में सबकुछ पूछा. सारे पुराने परचा देखा, फिर इलाज शुरू हुआ. मेरे पेशेंट को भर्ती करना पड़ा. वह चार दिनों तक हॉस्पिटल में रहे. उनका एक माइनर सा सर्जरी हुआ. इस क्रम में डॉ महापात्रा कई बार मिलने आये. उनके अन्दर की positivity को देख मैं दांग रह जाती. पेशेंट से बात करते वक़्त उसमे उर्जा का संचार कर देते. इतना व्यस्त schedule होने के बावजूद भी हर समय available रहना कोई आसान काम नहीं है. जब भी वह पेशेंट से मिलकर जाते तो पेशेंट खुद ही बोलता पता नहीं इस व्यक्ति में क्या जादू है कि आइल छूते ही दर्द गायब हो जाता है. मेरा मानना है कि यह डॉक्टर साहब की आत्मीयता थी जिसकी वजह से रोगी ऐसा महसूस करता था. मैंने कई अन्य attendant के मुंह से भी उनके बारे में सुना कि अन्य जगहों पर तो डॉक्टर नोट छापने की मशीन हैं. जाते ही लम्बा चौड़ा खर्च बता देते हैं लेकिन डॉ महापात्रा अनावश्यक सर्जरी नहीं करते. यूँ तो मैंने बहुत सारे डॉक्टर्स को जानती हूँ लेकिन डॉ महापात्रा को सच में #madeofgreat मानती हूँ, उनके स्किल के लिए, उनके व्यवहार के लिए और उनकी सादगी और सच्चाई के लिए.


  1. but these types of doctors are very rare!

  2. It is truly said that docter is 2nd god. Next to god ,he plays a great role in saving the life of man. Now a days to find doctor like Mahapatra is vry difficult. Hats off sir.. 😊😊

  3. I personely met wid him he is very dynamic personality.he always treat his patient as their family member and motivate him as he is going to do some miracle within next few days with him and really he do it.Thanks Dr. B mahopatra sir for your different approach of traetment.

  4. I personely met wid him he is very dynamic personality.he always treat his patient as their family member and motivate him as he is going to do some miracle within next few days with him and really he do it.Thanks Dr. B mahopatra sir for your different approach of traetment.

  5. The story of a Legend in himself – that’s how I will describe it in a short sentence. Very well written with words which enhance the simplicity yet greatness of the person. Salutations and very happy for you to have got inspired and bringing out your best in life.
    bahut badhiya likha hai aapne..:)

    My answer: Tata is a name which any and every person can rely on for its honesty, commitment and perseverance. Lionel Messi is a legend who has carved his name in history books with total dedication to the game, simple living and improvisation which is seen with each game he plays. The association of Tata Motors and Lionel Messi as their Brand Ambassador will definitely give an edge to the Tata group over its competitors solely because the brand Ambassador also holds the same reputation of not letting his fans down ever, like Tata Motors who have given the best to the world over the decades. Its an exemplary association par excellence.

    You can choose my answer as the Voucher winning comment if you feel I described it all well.. :) Please remember to post it on the Indiblogger contest page today.

  6. Indeed a nicely written post. I wish you good luck for the contest
    Here is my answer
    The association of Tata Motors with Lionel Messi is that of two greats. Lionel Messi has been exceptionally talented who with his hard work, determination and sacrifices has got better and tougher in his chosen sport so is the Image, reputation and quality of TATA Motors that have transformed brilliant ideas into masterpieces of engineering and created a brand and products that we are so proud of as Indians. Lionel Messi has transformed his body and the mind body co-ordination into a masterpiece of precision and excellence it would not be wrong to say that Lionel Messi is the TATA Motors of sports where as TATA Motors is the Lionel Messi of vehicles both giants in their own spheres driven by the drive to excel and lead by example. So Lionel Messi is the best choice for becoming the brand Ambassador for TATA Motors

  7. Your post defines #madeofgreat to the hilt. Goodluck for the contest
    My answer is:
    Authenticity, reliability, simplicity, as well as its commitment to innovation are the pillars of strength on which TATA have built a brand that has put India on the global map. It is a brand that has stood the test of time just like Lionel Messi who tackles opposition on the field with his skill,agility,strategy,brilliance and raw power to reach and score a goal so has been the track record of TATA motors who has become a brand leader and a global giant. These qualities make TATA Motors and Lionel Messi perfect partners who stand for the same set of values thus Lionel Messi is the perfect brand ambassador to represent TATA Motors.
    Hope my best to be a winner here; do contact me for the prize at
    fingers crossed

  8. Your post defines #madeofgreat in an awesome manner.Very well written and interesting post indeed.
    My Answer
    Tata Motors is a brand that makes durable vehicles, with its MADE IN INDIA mark makes every Indian proud. It is a brand seen globally as Trusted, Reliable, Innovative and at the forefront of technology. In its journey since inception it has overcome all odds, competition, and adversities with grit and determination. These same qualities are associated with Lionel Messi who was very talented and hardworking from a very early age. With each game that he played he kept improving his skills and built a career to become one of the best player of professional football. There qualities make both TATA Motors and Lionel Messi giants who perfectly compliment each other and Lionel Messi the right and perfect Ambassador who stands for the same values that TATA Motors does.
